The senatorial candidate of Labour Party, (LP) Southern Kaduna District , Engr. Mike Auta has called on government at all levels to double their efforts and bring the lingering attacks in southern Kaduna, to an end.
Auta made the call while addressing a world press conference, in Kafanchan, the headquarters of southern Kaduna, said many has lost their hope of living following the renewed attacks in the area.
While calling on president Muhammadu Buhari and security chiefs to deploy more security personnels to the axis in other to checkmate the activities of criminal elements noted that his administration if elected into office will priotize the safety of lives and properties as one of the constitutional mandate.
Auta who alledged that the recent attacks in southern Kaduna is an attempt to disenfranchised his people in the forthcoming general election, said government has not done enough to secure the lives and properties of their people, whom they swore to protect.
He added that southern Kaduna has able men who can defend the region against all odds, appealed that they be involved to champion the course of security for the defence of their people.
He said, “It is disheartening that killing of human beings have become the order of the day without any fear that man has no right whatsoever to take another life. Some of us appear to have lost our human reasoning, became different from other God’s creation, refusing to love ourselves like our creator who is a living God.
“Those in authority should have the political will to confront these evil people in other to ensure sanity in the system.
“I honestly feel government has not done enough to secure the lives of their people they swore to protect and their properties.
“It is a pity that for the past 12-years now or more, there has been series of attacks and the killings of our people particularly in southern Kaduna. Inspite of the presence of security personnel in the area, our people have suffered a lot in the hands of some few individuals who have succeeded in in killing people from one village to another, destruction of valuables to an imaginable magnitude living many houses and communities completely destroyed for years without any concern from those in authority or any form of assistance to give the affected people new hope of living.
“The series of attacks appeared to be another conspiracy of silence to drive investors away from the area and to totally destroy the economic potentials the area is blessed with. Ginger which is the main crop being produced in the area and is recognized globally and other natural resources are gradually giving way following the incessant attacks the area is known with.
“Something urgent has to be done to arrest the ugly situation and restore the lost glory that southern Kaduna is known with.
“Time has come for the people of southern Kaduna to stand up irrespective of any differences to unite themselves against any enemy that is trying to cause artificial hardship in the area and also cause division among the peace loving people. It is when we quickly understand the plan of the evil ones in our midst that these attacks going on could easily be arrested and ensure permanent peace in the area.
“These series of attacks in my candid opinion is an attempt to give the area a bad name as a troublesome area in the state in other to deny us of our privileges as last abiding people. It is also an attempt to make INEC avoid this area during election in other to reduce our bulk votes that the area is known for, in any election conducted in the country.
“I am using this rare opportunity to condole the people of southern Kaduna particularly the people of Kaura, Zango-kataf and birningwari for the unfortunate incidents, on the case of renewed attacks that led to the loss of lives, surviving few displaced, houses burnt, cars, motorcycles and other valuables at this critical period of human existence. Following the situation they found themselves, may the Almighty comfort them and give them new hope and life on how to live.
“I therefore appeal to INEC to please ensure every nook and cranny on southern Kaduna is fully allowed to exercise it’s constitutional rights of going to the poll and cast their vote for the candidates of their choice.
“I will like to call on our sons and daughters in diaspora to cooperate and do all they can to contribute in helping their People who are facing alot of challenges.”
He called on International communities, Human right watch group, ICC, and other reputable entities to lend their voices to the government and come to the aid of the southern Kaduna people so as to “save them from the inhumane treatment they have been experiencing for long without any concrete step taking by any government to bring this deadly act to an end.”